WestOak Studios

A note from Michael

Two score and ten years ago, I took on my first job in construction. And the rest is history.

I started as a painter and then added paperhanging to my capabilities. Later, as a college student majoring in chemistry and piano, I made ends meet as an apprentice house builder. This was a great experience that advanced my skill set and inspired my pursuit of construction.

I moved to southern California in 1979 and started a painting and wallcovering company and soon added wall upholstery and other decorative finishes to my repertoire.

The business advanced, and I soon had opportunities to work in the homes and businesses of celebrities. Inspired by my grandfather’s mastery in carving and marquetry, my fascination for woodworking machinery grew. With this intrigue, I  began adding additional services to my decorative finishes company.

My focus continued to turn to woodworking and cabinetmaking, leading me to where I am today. Now, I am enthusiastic about learning more from you and sharing with you my experiences!